Price search results for Candy CF3E9L0W 13 place Dishwasher 

Candy CF3E9L0W 13 place Dishwasher

Candy CF3E9L0W 13 place Dishwasher

Candy CF3E9L0W 13 place Dishwasher - Candy Rapido' is the Fastest & Most Spacious Dishwasher in the market. It is provided with a wide set of rapid cycles for every needs, simplifying daily usage thanks to the MAXI-TUB, more

Here are the details of the Candy CF3E9L0W 13 place Dishwasher. Candy Rapido' is the Fastest & Most Spacious Dishwasher in the market. It is provided with a wide set of rapid cycles for every needs, simplifying daily usage thanks to the MAXI-TUB, the most spacious tub in standard size for loading even the largest items.Less washing time, more washing space. Speed-Drive Inverter Motor (of family Rapido') Candy Rapido' is powered by the new SPEED-DRIVE INVERTER, the most innovative and durable brushless motor, able to increase the cleaning performance while reducing the energy consumption.

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